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ReAdjust your CROWN!

YOU are a QUEEN !

We live in a society where at a certain age people are expected to find their better half, soulmate, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever you want to call it. We live in a society where if you don’t have one of those at a certain age people start to question and make you feel like something might be wrong with you. People start to make comments and slick remarks that can start to make you double think and make you believe something might be wrong. YES we all hope to one day find the one that completes us and live a long life together and blah blah blah. But this boils down to something deeper.

This sometimes affects us women a little different. Women sometimes begin to believe maybe something is wrong and start to doubt who we are. Our value is questioned. We as women have to get to a point where our value and our self love and self worth is not questioned because of how a male might or might not perceive you. We see everyone else in relationships and we ask why not us. Yes we all picture our lives panned out a certain way by a certain time, but just because he’s not here right here and now doesn’t mean he won’t come.

We find ourselves settling for men who don’t treat us right, who might not PURSUE us, who only call and text us when they want something or have other intentions and we accept it. Or we do extremely thoughtful and crazy things hoping they might realize “we are special.” How do you expect for a man to love and respect you if you have NONE for yourself. Stop acting like a wife to these men who don’t show you that same effort. Stop keeping men around because they have potential. Stop entertaining men just because you are lonely. As humans we sometimes entertain relationships that hurt us more than they help us. No relationship in your life should be hurting you.

You have to realize your worth and that you are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made in God’s image. Your value is set at your creation. No ONE can define your worth or value. Stop, take a second and RE- ADJUST your crown.

I’ve struggled with the same issues but have come to a point in my life where I can no longer entertain such things. I can’t allow my heart to go through the same cycle over and over again.

Fall in love with yourself, fall in love with God, explore, travel, find a new hobby. When God decides to send that special person in your life, you’ll know. Yes I sound might “cliché” or like “what everyone always says”(Because I get annoyed when people say this to me) but as annoying as it may sound it is true. There is nothing like knowing your worth and value.

So adjust your crown Queen and make sure it fits. <3<3<3

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